It’s a well know that after the age of 25 our collagen levels decrease, opening the door to a wide range of unwanted “aging signs” that affect our looks, energy, sleep, and overall health.

For years, the human race has been after the search of the antidote for aging, something that can prevent it from happening or at least ease the effects of it. Cosmetic surgery, botox, and fillers have come as a solution to physical aging signs, however, the scientific community was on the search of something that could solve the aging issue from the inside out, without risky procedures, and the use homologous resources. 

After at least 2 decades of research, stem cells therapy has been found to be the answer to many aging aches. It comes with the promise of a quick recovery, pain-free and safe procedure which doesn’t require surgery. Most importantly there is no risk of rejection from the patient’s body as the treatment uses a patient’s own healing resources.

How Can Stem Cells Treat Aging? 

Stem cells act as a mechanism of repair for the body, rejuvenating and replacing aging cells to maintain optimus health. 
Aging cells can contribute to disease. Thus if cell aging can be prevented, slowed down, or even reversed, many diseases could be better managed or even prevented. Stem cells may have the ability to slow this process down & combat certain age-related conditions.

What are the 10 signs of aging?

Some of the most common signs of aging are: 

  • Impaired vision
  • Impaired hearing
  • Loss of strength in muscles
  • Loss of bone density
  • Decreased immune system function
  • Decreased cognitive ability 
  • Less efficient metabolism.
  • Loss of energy
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased balance and overall mobility

Stem Cell Therapy For Anti-aging 

Stem cell therapy has been proven efficient to prevent most signs of aging with the additional benefits that are life changing for the patient’s condition. 
Patients who undergo stem cell therapy for anti aging can usually expect: 

1.- Skin Youth Preservation: Stem cell therapy improves collagen levels in patients. Increased collagen leads to the preservation of the skin as it slows the aging process at a cellular level, thus allowing the skin to keep its youthful glow and bright appearance for a longer time.

2.-Risen Energy Levels: Another benefit of SCT is the fact that it provides patients with a new flow of energy that is translated into better recovery, better performance, and both personal and professional rise. 90% of patients that received stem cell therapy recalled a notorious change in their energy levels, that was translated into physical endurance and overachievement.

3.- Reduced Inflammation: Cellular inflammation is the source of all pain. At a microscopical level pain starts with cellular swelling. Stem cell therapy reduces cellular inflammation and enables cells to recover. This ultimately improves the patient’s internal processes and enhance’s the body’s immune system and its healing mechanisms.

4.- Pain Ease: Since cellular inflammation is the mother of all pain, stem cell therapy has been found incredibly beneficial for pain eradication. Stem Cell Therapy fights the source of discomfort and brings relief to all kinds of ailments.

5.- Better Gut Health: As Stem cell therapy reduces and fights inflammation, most patients experience decreased acidity, increased bowel movements, and better gastrointestinal health. Many of them recall feeling lighter and less bloated.

6.- Better Sleep And Sex: With risen energy levels, patients experience better performance during the day and greater sleep during the night, which is translated into an improvement in their sex lives due to better circulation, pain ease, and overall better performance.

7.- Stronger Hair: Due to the increase of blood flow, most patients experienced thicker, stronger hair, with less fall, and more volume. Women also recalled shinier, and softer appearance of their hair and better health of their scalps.

Your Journey Towards Rejuvenation Starts Now!

Regenerative Medicine is definitely the answer to promote your own healing mechanisms and restore your body’s to be in optimum health in a non-surgical way.

At Rehealth, we use cell therapeutics to help your body restore itself. We are all unique and this is why our certified physicans and research team will work with you to design a personalized cell therapeutic approach to target your specific needs.

Following are the steps that will change your life: 

1- Patient Evaluation

2- Personalized Treatment

3- Start of a pain-free life 

Click here to start feeling better!

At Rehealth, we believe that having informed patients is the only way to deliver optimal healthcare. Visit our website to find out more interesting content and be a part of an amazing health integrated community!

Michelle Ibarra